Sweet Water Farm & Ranch Company was founded in 2017 by Michael, Samuel, and Joseph. Father and Sons prospectively, who love the natural world. As people who find solace and beauty in nature, we find ourselves driven to care for the environment in a responsible manner. By starting this small family business, we can do our part to help take care of the world that we all live in. We have decided that the best way to help in the fight for a better world is to provide healthy, natural food products for people to consume. We take a lot of pride in being able to take good care of our lands. We are driven to provide better lives for our livestock than they would receive elsewhere. We take into consideration the well being of the livestock and wild critters that we share our homes with in every decision that we make. We are driven to be a part of the natural, humane, and sustainable solution for agricultural. Being a part of the next chapter of American Family Farming is something we feel very passionate about as stewards of the ecosystem we care for.


The American Family Farm was at one point the backbone of the American Nation and livelihood. As technology improved and less people were needed on the farm, better opportunities presented themselves outside of the homestead. With the growth of new industry, the American Family Farm began to be relegated to antiquity. While this is an inevitable page in the human story, it seems that a new page is turning and people are wanting to find the health and diversity of what was lost when people stopped caring about where their food came from. People are starting to see that something is wrong with their food. Our food does not have the nutritional value that it once had and people are seeking products that are produced using safe, ethical, and sustainable methods.

The majority of animals that are raised for consumption today are brought up in horrendous conditions and slaughtered in mass using the most abominable methods imaginable. Our grocery stores produce is no longer nutritious as it had once been. It has all been modified. The seeds are impure and cannot be reused, if the produce has any seeds at all. The soils this food is grown in have long been depleted of their nutrients and must now be harshly treated with chemical nutrients. Even worse are the masses of chemical pesticides that wash into our water table and are irreparably damage our planets biosphere across every corner of the globe.

All of these things contribute to both the unhealthy life cycles of the animals and plants we consume, and seem to be contributing factors in the rapidly declining health of people all over our Earth.

American Family Farms and Farmers matter. American Family Farmers may well be among the last stands on earth who care to raise our animals ethically. To ensure they have space to roam and lives outside of an overcrowded and disgusting little pen or cage. We care for the genetic diversity of our produce and the health of our soil. We compost, we save and reuse everything at our disposal, we work hard to conserve our natural resources and and we do our best to ensure that this effort and knowledge is handed onto the next generation.

  • We have found that by raising our own food, we become closer to the Earth. We become more compassionate and more peaceful. We have the opportunity to spend time with our most cherished loved ones and to build stronger bonds both new and old. We receive the products of our own labors and we are susceptible to success or failure most of all by our own efforts. The opportunity is ours to make a difference in the world even a small effort matters.

    Everyday we are getting older, some of us die and some of us are born. We don’t have much control over either of those factors. We do have control over what we do in the present. We have control over whether or not we repeat the mistakes of the past. We have control over how we grow and learn as we go through the courses and actions of our lives. We have control over how we treat the people we encounter. Chiefly here at the Sweet Water Ranch we believe that nobody is perfect, everyone is susceptible to moments of weakness, and that everyone is deserving of redemption and forgiveness. We also believe in hard work, doing what we say we are going to do, and standing up for what we believe is right.